CANTOR/PSALMIST Our cantors are probably the most reliable, most consistent volunteers in our parish in any ministry. They are a great group of dedicated singers, who have made this parish a singing assembly, something rare around our nation of Catholics. Vocalists may choose to be a cantor, leading the responses and hymns, or a Psalmist, who concentrates on studying the Psalm of the day, and singing it as meaningful scripture during the Liturgy of the Word.
CANTOR MENTORING We have a great program for middle and high school students, to increase participation in music and liturgy. Students who have some vocal musical ability can be assigned to an adult cantor as their mentor for one to two years. As they become more confident, they are weaned away from the adult and begin to lead Masses by themselves.
Call Cassie at the church if you are interested in becoming involved as a Cantor or Psalmist, or if your child is interested in learning to become a Cantor.