These are the persons who help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at the weekend Masses, and take the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners and also to those in nursing homes. You must be trained before serving in this capacity.
These individuals read the assigned scripture of the day at weekday, weekend and funeral masses.
Greeters are those families or individuals who extend hospitality to the parish family as they enter the church. Greeters begin the welcoming ministry 25 minutes prior to Mass.
Ushers are those persons who also play a vital role in the hospitality area of our
parish. An usher is asked to assist in the seating of our parish family, take up the collection, and also provide help for those in need of assistance during Mass. Our ushers typically serve in groups of four.
Gift Bearers are those families or individuals who present the bread and wine to the presider during the weekend liturgy.
This group plans for the diferent liturgical seasons and decorates the Church for each one, including special celebrations and Holy days.
The Choir sings at the Sunday 10:30 AM am Mass during the months of September through May. Rehearsal is on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM. Choir is also asked to sing for Holy Day Masses and special occasions.
The Bell Choir is currently not meeting, but if there is interest in bringing it back we would look at meeting again.
Cantors are provided with materials and are offered practice times with the music director or accompanist. The Cantor is responsible for leading music at 1-2 weekend Masses and is part of a monthly rotational schedule based on availability.
Video and Sound System Operators are also needed during Mass. This requires a small amount of training.