Support Sacred Heart and earn credit while you shop with Scrip! Scrip is simply another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, or credit cards, while earning money to apply towards school tuition or church support.
How does it work?
You purchase gift cards from Sacred Heart (or online with our enrollment code) at face value and these gift cards carry a rebate in which 30% goes toward Sacred Heart School/Parish, and the remaining 70% can be applied to school tuition (your family, another family, future family, or general tuition fund), your family's church support, or Youth Faith Formation fees at Sacred Heart. ALL AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!
Enroll with Scrip!
To begin the registration process, please compete the Sacred Heart Enrollment form. Click here for an online scrip enrollment form
Local and National Scrip providers
We keep an inventory of local cards (Hy-Vee, Fareway, Casey’s, Walmart, etc.) on hand for purchase through the church office during business hours. Additionally, you can purchase gift cards from hundreds of national businesses through your online account.
For a full listing of national Scrip providers, visit
Call the church office at (712) 262-3047 or email Susie Baxter at [email protected] for any scrip questions.